Beiersdorf Live – the corporate blog of BeiersdorfDiscover the latest stories about our colleagues and working life at Beiersdorf around the world.

In our corporate blog, “Beiersdorf Live”, we will inform you about topics from our company’s international community, in a colorful mix of stories by our employees and the latest news. Concise, informative and authentic – this is our goal. See for yourself regularly: There is a whole new world to discover!

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221 articles found:
#People #International


Welcome to… Italy!

Join us for the journey and meet Francesca, Stefania and Paola at Beiersdorf Italy. Buon divertimento!

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#People #CareerAndApprenticeship


Insights for Interns

Daniel Ziegele is doing an internship at Beiersdorf. In our blog he shares his experience and tells about the Insights for Interns event series that offers valuable career tips for Beiersdorf interns.

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#Digitalization #Brands #People


#InfluencerStrategy – The NIVEA Hair Always On Campaign

Amrei Topcu, Head of Content at Beiersdorf, talks about how NIVEA is developing successful campaigns in creative partnerships with influencers.

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#Digitalization #Career #Brands


“eCommerce is a marathon, not a sprint.”

Chatbots, shopping by voice assistant, drone deliveries – the way that we buy and consume goods is going through massive changes. Sigmar Werz, Corporate Director Global eCommerce, talks about how Beiersdorf is dealing with the continuous new demands.

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#Digitalization #International #Career #People


Mission Future – Inspiration Silicon Valley

Beiersdorf high potentials in Silicon Valley – five digital experts gained insights into the global eCommerce, which Beiersdorf can benefit from.

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#Brands #Digitalization


8x4 starts challenge

For the launch of the five new limited deodorants editions 8x4 is combining influencer marketing with real consumer interaction.

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#Career #SupplyChain #People #International #Sustainability


The people behind our products – Marina Shlyaptseva

What does the daily routine of Marina Shlyaptseva, Head of Global Third Party Manufacturing at Beiersdorf look like, which are her favorite products and what inspires her? Get to know our colleague in the new episode of our series.

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#International #People #Career


Have I become the perfect beast?

…Or do I still see the same ME that joined the firm many years ago? Those are questions that Neil George wants the readers to ask themselves. In an interview he speaks about his new brand management book “Building the Perfect Beast” and his own career choices.

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#People #International #SupplyChain


Welcome to … Mexico!

…or, more precisely, to Mexico City. Meet our colleagues María José Prado and Lior Miller who share insights about their lifestyles and work lives in a colorful video.

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#Responsibility #People #International #Sustainability


Making a difference at NIVEA Brazil

Since 1972, June 5 has been celebrated as World Environment Day. Read here from our colleague Michelle Guersoni how she uses this occasion to inspire and involve her colleagues with the topic of sustainability.

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#Digitalization #Research


The Beauty of AI

Sven Clemann from Beiersdorf’s R&D took part in the “Korean Future Forum 2017” and spoke about his team’s research into Artificial Intelligence and skin care.

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