Beiersdorf has always been shaped by values like fairness, dependability, and trustworthiness – behaving ethically is part and parcel of our corporate tradition. Adhering to legal, commercial, and moral rules is a cornerstone of our identity. This is set out above all in our Code of Conduct, which is based on our core values: Care, Simplicity, Courage, and Trust.
Compliance for Beiersdorf means ensuring that all employees and managers adhere to the applicable regulations and internal rules – in all the markets where we work.
Our Corporate Compliance Management focuses on antitrust law, preventing corruption, and data protection. We follow a three-pronged approach: prevent, identify, and respond.
Prevent: We take preventive measures to avoid wrongful behavior. The guidelines implemented in our subsidiaries contribute to this, for example, along with ongoing compliance advice and regular compulsory training.
Identify: Monitoring tools help us to uncover improper behavior. We use regular risk analyses, internal audits, and compliance reports to determine the status of our compliance management system and develop appropriate measures.
Respond: We take action against any breaches of statutory provisions or internal guidelines on a case-by-case basis. To obtain information on possible wrongdoing, we have set up confidential reporting channels, including the BKMS®-based incident reporting platform Speak up. We care.
People all around the world trust our brands and expertise. We want to safeguard our more than 130 years of success with integrity and mutual esteem. Our compliance management makes an important contribution to this.