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Creating memories in Myanmar

Hansaplast and Myanmar Red Cross Society hand over 100,000 plasters to schools

Oraphan Phongsphanij lives in Bangkok. Since 2014, she works at NIVEA Thailand. From here, the 34 year old steers the Hansaplast & NIVEA Marketing for Beiersdorf in the Indochina region. And some of this region’s countries have a very long-lasting relationship with the Hansaplast brand. “Even my parents weren’t born yet at that time when Hansaplast was launched in Myanmar”, says Oraphan and smiles. The brand entered the local market already in the 1930s and has since become a synonym in the Burmese everyday language for the word “plaster”. “When it comes to small injuries, a large number of the citizens put their trust into our Hansaplast products. This trust, we want to cherish and to further strengthen.” Oraphan and her team have therefore created “Guarding with Love, Guarded with Hansaplast.” – the first Hansaplast campaign since entering the local market.

With the help of “Hansa Boy”

Oraphan Phongsphanij with the mascot Hansa Boy
School kids in Myanmar

“Our main goal is to teach school children about caring for small injuries, while at the same time, strengthening their emotional bond to Hansaplast.” In one-hundred elementary schools in Yangon and Mandalay, the two largest cities in Myanmar, the program educates children on what to do in the case of scraped or injured knees. The face of the campaign is the life-size puppet “Hansa Boy”. “The kids really love our mascot”, says Oraphan. In schools, “Hansa Boy” helps to communicate the most important steps in caring for wounds – in a way that is kid-friendly.

Moreover, each participating school receives first aid supplies. “This way we can ensure that what they learn can be implemented in their everyday lives.” Hansaplast is also a cooperation partner of the “Myanmar Red Cross Society”. In ten schools, they will offer first aid courses together this year. Moreover, the organization will receive 100,000 plasters for their activities.

Beautiful memories for families

A child receives a first aid supply from Hansaplast

“It’s fun, but also quite challenging to really understand the consumers”, says Oraphan about the part of her job she likes best. “But if you want to make them experience health care, you need to empathize with them.” Family life in Myanmar for example, plays an important role, knows Oraphan. It’s part of the Burmese culture to spend time with the family in the local parks on the weekend. “For this reason, our campaign is offering people the chance to have their photographs taken with their loved ones in ten selected parks in Yangon and Mandalay, thus, creating beautiful memories framed by Hansaplast.” What Oraphan likes the most about the campaign? “That moment of truth, when the kids open their eyes wide with surprise and remember how to take care of their wound. That touches me because it shows that we help them to improve their lives and thus, we can give something back to the society.”