Beiersdorf Live – the corporate blog of BeiersdorfDiscover the latest stories about our colleagues and working life at Beiersdorf around the world.

In our corporate blog, “Beiersdorf Live”, we will inform you about topics from our company’s international community, in a colorful mix of stories by our employees and the latest news. Concise, informative and authentic – this is our goal. See for yourself regularly: There is a whole new world to discover!

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157 articles found:
#Sustainability #People #Responsibility #SupplyChain


The Future of Plastics

The relaunch of our bestselling NIVEA female and universal shower gels marks an important step on the journey towards climate-friendlier products at Beiersdorf.

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#People #Career


Unleash Female Tech Talent

In a highly action-oriented event, Beiersdorf brought together 30 professionals in Berlin to co-create a manifesto.

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#People #Career #Ausbildung


Room for own ideas and projects

Four apprentices report on how they shape their vocational training with initiative and personal responsibility.

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#People #Brands #Sustainability


Niklas Kuhn about Sustainability and Packaging

Packaging Development expert, Niklas Kuhn, talks about sustainable milestones at Health Care and the process behind.

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#People #Career


“We share our dream job”

Rethinking leadership: With Nadine Bartenschlager and Catherine Niebuhr, jobsharing becomes topsharing.

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#Brands #Digitalization #People


TikTok influencer @notselma meets Vincent Warnery

This has never happened at Beiersdorf before: After her creative application for the CEO position, TikToker Selma let her 950,000 followers take a look behind the scenes at NIVEA.

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#Sustainability #People #Responsibility #SupplyChain


Empowering women in the shea supply chain

We have joined forces with our shea supplier AAK and the Global Shea Alliance to empower 10,000 women shea collectors in West Africa. New milestones have been reached since 2019 with more to come as the project continues until 2024.

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#Research #People


New superstar in anti-age skin care: Bakuchiol

Bakuchiol is the name of the promising anti-age active ingredient that is setting new standards. Facial care expert Dr. Svenja Möllgaard provides insights.

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#Research #People


Beiersdorf Researches the Skin’s Biological Clock

Can our biological clock be turned back? In skin research, Beiersdorf scientists are getting closer to the vision of eternal youth.

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#People #Career


Erynn Keefe: “You can have it all”

Erynn Keefe is Regional Head Derma US and managed to achieve a record year for Eucerin and Aquaphor. In this interview, she talks about respective success factors and unveils the secret behind a healthy work-life balance.

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#People #Career


The Path to Becoming a Country Manager

Heike Huber describes what her professional development path in 17 years of Beiersdorf looked like, how she benefited from smaller teams with flat hierarchies and what career tips she wants to share with others.

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