Application FAQ

  • The job advertisements are regularly updated so that all vacancies advertised on our career page are vacant.

  • If it is not specified in the job description, we are usually looking to fill vacancies as soon as possible.

  • Unfortunately, we do not accept speculative applications. The job advertisements on our homepage are up to date. We welcome you to set up a job alert so that you are informed whenever a new vacancy in your area of interest opens.

  • You are free to leave out the photo in your application

  • Please apply exclusively online via our application system. Applications submitted elsewhere cannot be considered.

  • You should upload your CV, your last university or school education certificate and relevant professional references. The total size of all uploaded documents should not exceed 10 MB.

  • No, in most cases we do not need a cover letter anymore.

  • Yes, we check each time whether your experience, skills and competencies match the job profile.

  • You can log in and out of the system with your user data at any time. You can view and manage your data and application here. Adjustments are updated directly in the system.

  • Your data can be viewed by our responsible Beiersdorf Human Resources employees and by the relevant department. 

    Otherwise only you can access your data. When you create a profile in our careers portal, you can control the visibility of your profile by choosing whether your profile should be visible only to the team responsible for your current application or to HR teams within the Beiersdorf Group worldwide, group-wide.

    You can adjust the visibility settings in your candidate profile at any time. We store your personal data in your candidate profile for a period of 6 months after your last login. Additionally, you can request the deletion of your candidate profile or the withdrawal of your application by contacting us at However, if you have deleted your entire registration, you will have to enter all relevant data again if you apply to Beiersdorf again at a later date. For all details regarding our data protection policy, please refer to our Privacy Policy for Applicants.

  • If you no longer wish to be considered for a position, please withdraw your application in your user profile. You can reapply at any time.

  • We advertise the program several times a year, but have no fixed starting dates. The best way to do this is to set up a "job alert" in our job search

  • If you have detailed questions about the open position or questions about the application that are not covered in our FAQs, please contact us at the following e-mail address:

    If you have any questions about working student jobs, internships or the BEYOND BORDERS trainee program, please contact the following e-mail address:


Technical FAQ

  • The password must be at least 8 and can contain a maximum of 16 characters. It must contain at least one digit or punctuation mark. Spaces, symbols and icons are not possible.

  • You will find a “Forgotten Password” link underneath the login fields. Please enter your username and/or the email address that you submitted when registering on the following page. Within a few minutes, you will receive a new password, which you will need to change the next time you login. 

  • Are you still online? Is your Internet connection still active? Are pop-ups or JavaScript deactivated in your browser? That you can fix by changing the settings in your browser settings. If this does not work, contact our Technical Support (Hotline: +49-40-4909-3000).

  • For technical reasons you are only able to upload Microsoft Office, tif, png, and PDF files. Please do not upload more than 10 MB altogether. We recommend converting your documents into PDF format – you can find a number of free PDF conversion tools online

  • The user name corresponds to the registered e-mail address.

Job sharing FAQ

  • Job sharing is a flexible working time model, in which two employees share one role. In this working time model, you work closely together with your tandem partner and divide your working hours and tasks individually.

  • Complex jobs that cannot be carried out part-time are feasible through job sharing. By organizing work and time, even complex tasks can be mastered. This not only teaches shared responsibility for these tasks but also for your employees. Hence, even management positions are possible through job sharing, something highly unlikely in regular part-time positions.

  • A prerequisite for a tandem application is that you have already found a suitable tandem partner and you are both willing to take the step of job sharing together. If you are looking for a tandem partner, we would like to recommend Tandemploy. This platform gives you the opportunity to find a suitable tandem partner for a full-time position. Many job sharing tandems design a joint application (uniform layout, joint cover sheet and cover letter), which sums up the potential of the new team. You can include your individual CV in the joint application. It is essential that both partners each upload the joint application. Furthermore, it is very IMPORTANT to note the name of your tandem partner in your own CV. This is the only way our recruiters can see with whom you are applying in tandem. Once both applications have been received, the recruitment process begins. Depending on the position, the process may differ and must be coordinated individually by the department and recruiting team. Individual interviews as well as tandem interviews or case studies are a possibility. A job sharing position can only be taken up if both tandem partners have successfully mastered the application process.

  • Your individual contract specifies how many hours you will work per week. It is up to you and your tandem partner how you divide the working hours within a working week. Based on the slogan “One is always there” it is RECOMMANDABLE that a minimum of 100 percent is spread over the weekdays from Monday to Friday.

    It is very common for job-sharers to agree on a joint work plan. The work plan typically states how the partners want their working relationship to function over the short and medium term. For example: it specifies the individual working hours. The work plan is binding for everyone involved: the two job-sharers and the employer. Making the work plan available to colleagues and managers via a shared calendar can also be a useful tool.

  • Job sharing is an appealing work model for anyone who wants to work flexibly but doesn’t want a typical part-time job. You should have a desire for close teamwork, be able to communicate clearly and be loyal and reliable. Job sharing is also suitable for Beiersdorf employees who would like to do their job part-time and who enjoy intense teamwork.

  • Most jobs are suitable for job sharing. There are already a number of job sharing arrangements at Beiersdorf for various specialist and managerial roles. Some of them including very extensive, complex and demanding scopes of duties. The most important is that you can see yourself being able to carry out the tasks expected of you at Beiersdorf conscientiously and in good teamwork with your tandem partner.

  • Unfortunately, no! Job sharing only works with the matching tandem partner by your side. Since only you can decide who is your perfect match and with whom you want to carry out your future job side by side, it is essential to have found the suitable partner before applying for job sharing. Only then can your application be considered. If you are looking for a tandem partner, we would like to recommend Tandemploy. The platform gives you the opportunity to find a suitable tandem partner for a full-time position.

  • Beiersdorf has decided to actively promote and support job sharing. Once you and your tandem partner have found the right position on our careers page, all you have to do is upload your completed applications (don't forget to include the name of your tandem in your CV) and the first step towards job sharing is done. Our recruiters will take over the subsequent steps and you will receive feedback from us.

  • Our sole objective as an employer is to fill every position at Beiersdorf with the perfect fit. It does not matter whether it is an individual application or a tandem application. There won't be a disadvantage for you.

    It is important to represent yourself as one team! Make it clear to us in your application why you are the perfect fit for the job as a tandem. What makes you special as a tandem and how can we as an employer benefit from you?

  • The job sharing partners need to establish beforehand how much transparency will be necessary for their particular case. Some job sharing partners work very closely together, while others only discuss the most important issues and milestones. The degree of transparency that is required depends not only on the role that they are sharing, but also, crucially, on the job sharing partners’ personalities and ways of working. A certain amount of transparency is inherent to job sharing and, hence, inevitable. In practice, job sharing partners usually keep in touch regularly via email, phone, instant messaging, intranet platforms such as TEAMS. There are also transfer-slots possible during which one partner can pass on information and tasks to the other in person – for example, at times when their working hours overlap.

  • That depends on the degree of transparency you have agreed on for your job sharing arrangement. We would recommend dealing with this issue and other potentially sensitive issues with as much openness as necessary and as much discretion as possible.

  • Generally, you and your job sharing partner will have your own individual part-time contracts, which can also be negotiated individually. If your skills and experience are very similar, it may make sense to negotiate your contracts and salaries jointly. However, if the partners have different skills and experience (and correspondingly different salary expectations), it may make more sense to negotiate individually. However, in a well-functioning job sharing arrangement it generally shouldn’t be a problem to be as transparent as necessary in this regard. In addition to the two individual part-time contracts, it is also possible to conclude a joint agreement clarifying issues such as representation regulations. However, in practice these agreements are often only made verbally, and despite this are almost always respected by both partners.

  • Don't worry about this! You have an individual employment contract and are therefore contractually independent of your tandem partner. If such a scenario ever occurs, a solution would be found which would satisfy both you as an employee and Beiersdorf as an employer.

  • There is no legal obligation to do so, but a requirement to this effect can be included in the job sharing agreement. In practice, partners often only make verbal agreements about such matters, which is pragmatic and usually works well. After all, it is in your mutual interest (and in the interest of the job sharing arrangement) to be able to rely on having a well-informed colleague to cover for you while you are ill.

  • Of course, in individual cases, your tandem partner may not be able to cover for you. However, this can also be the case for individually organized employment relationships. Advantage job sharing: 50% of the work is nevertheless done while you are ill!

  • There are already a number of employees at Beiersdorf who have successfully progressed in their career while job sharing. Since job sharing makes it possible to carry out even highly demanding roles and management responsibilities on a part-time basis, job sharing is fully compatible with career progression. It’s important that the job sharing partners are aware of the opportunities for development in their shared role and agree on the details of how they want to proceed.