Privacy Notice – Legal information in accordance with Art. 13 and Art. 14 GDPR

This privacy notice is intended to inform you about the processing of personal data by Beiersdorf AG (“Beiersdorf”) within the context of the study.

The Controller for the processing of personal data is:
Beiersdorf AG, Beiersdorfstraße 1-9, 22529 Hamburg, Germany, phone: +49 (40) 4909-0, e-mail:

Contact data for the data protection officer:
Beiersdorf AG, Data Protection Officer, Beiersdorfstraße 1-9, 22529 Hamburg, Germany, phone: +49 (40) 4909-0, e-mail:

The legal basis for the above-mentioned processing is your consent in accordance with Art. 6, section 1 a) and Art. 9, section 2 a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as the research exemption in accordance with Art. 9, section 2 j) GDPR in conjunction with the national specification clause (for Germany: § 27 BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act)).

As a general rule, the collected personal data is stored under a pseudonym. This means that in accordance with Art. 4 No. 5 GDPR, the data is processed in such a way that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without additional information. As a general rule, this is achieved by assigning test person numbers. Exceptions are for example photographs of the test persons (in particular of the facial area, irrespective of whether these were provided with a black bar, by law this is not pseudonymous data).

Data recipients

Beiersdorf transfers the collected data to its respective internal functions, as well as to affiliated companies within the Beiersdorf group, or to external service providers and processors (e.g. IT-platform provider, analysts, contact persons for test persons) in accordance with the purposes required (to conduct the study and for research), in European countries, as well as in non-European third countries. Standard contractual clauses were concluded with external service providers not located in countries with adequate levels of data protection in accordance with Art. 45 of the GDPR and/or data transmission has been legitimated by explicit consent in the declaration of consent. So-called special categories of personal data pursuant to Art. 9 GDPR may also be transferred to third countries (in general all countries outside EU/EEA which do not provide an adequate protection). For more information (such as a copy of the guarantees), you can contact us at the contact details above. However, in the event of a legal obligation, The Controller, reserves the right to disclose info rmation about you if it is required to surrender it by authorities or law enforcement bodies.

Period of data storage

Personal data collected from you will be retained after the study has been completed or terminated insofar and for as long as required in order to fulfill any applicable legal requirements and to fulfill the purpose of the study, or until you revoke your membership in the test subject pool. Thereafter, study results will only be stored in anonymized form in accordance with paragraph 27, section 3 BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act).

This does not affect the optional additional consent given for the use of the data outside the specific study (for other study use/product application). This data will be deleted with effect for the future after revocation of your consent.

Your rights

You may, according to Art. 13 para. 2 b) c) GDPR at any time object to or withdraw the consent regarding the use of your personal data for the future, request a rectification or a partial or complete deletion, request information about the data stored by us regarding your person (right of access), obtain restriction of the processing or a transfer of your data. These rights of the data subject may be restricted on the basis of the research exemption in accordance with paragraph 27, section 2 BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act).

Should you have any further questions please contact: Beiersdorf AG, Volunteer Center, Beiersdorfstraße 1-9, 22529 Hamburg, Germany, fax: +49 (40) 4909-2992, e-mail:

Withdrawal or objection

In the event of withdrawal or objection, your personal data will not be processed further and will be subsequently erased by us, insofar as further processing of such personal data is not required, admissible or compliant in accordance to applicable data protection laws (in particular the General Data Protection Regulation) or any other legal provision. This applies in particular to processing for scientific research purposes on the basis of the legal research exemption. In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority at any time.

The submission of your personal data is not a legal or contractual requirement and is not necessary in order to enter into a contract. You are not required to make your personal data available. If your personal data is not made available, it will not be possible to conduct the study with your data.