
Starting signal for 37 new apprentices

Vocational training manager Daniela Peeters-Bendix

“Four days full of input – in the best summer temperatures and with lots of fun” was the summary of the 37 new Beiersdorf apprentices at the end of their onboarding seminar. They are all starting their own personal careers and were given a very warm welcome by the apprenticeship team on August 15. “It’s wonderful to see so many new, motivated faces,” said Daniela Peeters-Bendix, Manager Vocational Training, in welcoming the new Beiersdorf employees.

There was great joy that the introductory event could finally take place in presence again after a long Corona break: “This gives you an even better impression of the company, you learn a lot about completely different areas and you get the opportunity to get to know each other better.” 

A colorful program with interactive sessions

On four exciting introductory days, the 37 apprentices got to know Beiersdorf and each other.

During the four introductory days, Daniela Peeters-Bendix and the seven trainers were available to answer any questions. The program itself was convincing with a colorful mix: Laptops were distributed, departments introduced themselves and BMH production opened its doors. Great praise was given for the interactive business game of two supply chain colleagues.

In a playful and understandable, relaxed way, they brought the interaction between raw material suppliers, production, warehouse, customer and controlling close, thus arousing interest in this exciting field of activity.

Q&A session with CHRO Nicola Lafrentz

The apprentices received personal tips from CHRO Nicola Lafrentz on how to start their careers.

The apprentices experienced the highlight of the introductory seminar on day three: CHRO Nicola Lafrentz welcomed the junior staff and answered their questions. “From today’s perspective, would you follow your career path in the same way again?” the apprentices wanted to know. Also, “What kind of car do you drive?”, “What is your favorite Beiersdorf product?”, “How do you balance your private life and job?” and “Is Beiersdorf sustainable enough?”.

“It was great that we were able to ask Nicola our questions so openly,” commented Bjarne Gustafsen, a prospective chemical technician, on the Q&A session. “I would never have thought that someone from the very top would talk to us so casually and give us tips along the way.”

“Be curious, eager to learn and proactive”

Nicola had plenty of tips in store for the new apprentices: “Be generous with yourself. You can’t learn and know everything on the first day – that’s what the apprenticeship is for.” In addition, she stressed, “Be curious, eager to learn and don’t be afraid to address things proactively. Ask the questions you have, show up, grow with the challenges, and talk about your ideas – even without being explicitly invited to do so. Don’t wait for learning to come to you. Have courage, take chances, and make mistakes. And most importantly, always believe in yourself!“

Balancing act and joy at the challenges

The new apprentices “in numbers”: vocational training nine occupations, 6 industrial clerks, 4 apprentices in the BHH study-integrated training program (apprenticeship as an industrial clerk plus a bachelor’s degree in business administration), 2 e-commerce clerks, 10 chemical laboratory technicians, 4 chemical technicians, 4 mechatronics fitters, 5 IT specialists, 1 digitalization manager, 1 cook.

After three packed days of seminars, a special surprise on day four ensured a lot of action and a relaxed atmosphere: they went together to a climbing park near Hamburg, where the new Beiersdorfers were able to prove their courage and team spirit. A successful conclusion to the start in the new, still unfamiliar professional environment.

“The onboarding and getting to know each other was just incredibly helpful for me,” summed up future chemical laboratory technician Leonie Johannsen. “All the people were really nice and we were able to experience firsthand how incredibly diverse the company is.” Filiz Yildirim, who is starting her BHH study-integrated apprenticeship as an “AzuStudi” was already making initial plans for the time ahead of her: “I want to have a good and enjoyable time here at Beiersdorf. A time in which I can absorb and learn a lot, and in which I am encouraged and challenged,” emphasized the 22-year-old. Her fellow “AzuStudent” Majken Lübbert, highly motivated, added: “I want to approach my training with an open mind. To do the best I can to get better and better day by day.”


We wish all 37 new apprentices a good start and much success on their way!

Four apprentices in interview

At the end of the introductory days, we asked Amy Treulieb (18), Moritz Schwarz (24), Filiz Yildirim (22), and Bjarne Gustafsen (18) for a talk. In the short interview, the four new apprentices talk about their expectations, their plans, and why they chose Beiersdorf.

Hello Amy, Filiz, Moritz and Bjarne, nice to have you on board with us! Would you like to briefly introduce yourselves and tell us what kind of apprenticeship you are learning? And: Why did you choose Beiersdorf?

(f.l.t.r.) Bjarne, Moritz, Amy, and Filiz about their expectations, plans, and first impressions of Beiersdorf.

Amy: I’m Amy, 18 years old, and I’m starting my apprenticeship as a chemical laboratory technician. Why did I choose Beiersdorf? Because the company offers me an incredible number of opportunities – and great prospects for my future. I really liked the idea of becoming part of this big family!

Moritz: My name is Moritz and I’m 24 years old. I’m starting my apprenticeship as a mechatronics fitter here at Beiersdorf, my absolute dream apprenticeship – after I unfortunately had to discontinue my first apprenticeship as a metalworker a few years ago due to a long, serious illness. Today I feel fit enough for a second attempt and am very happy about this opportunity. Good accessibility was one reason why I chose Beiersdorf. But much more important were the positive statements from friends and acquaintances who also learned or work at Beiersdorf – that made me curious. I also think it’s great what kind of support Beiersdorf offers its apprentices!

Bjarne: I’m Bjarne, a chemical technician apprentice, and just like Amy, I’m 18 years old. For me, Beiersdorf has always been on my shortlist as an apprenticeship company – especially in this area. The whole application process was simply professional and quickest, which gave me a great feeling and convinced me to start here. I also found it interesting that Beiersdorf offers both apprenticeships: chemical technicians and chemical laboratory technicians. I find both professions absolutely exciting, and who knows, maybe after one I’ll move on to the next... *laughs*.

Filiz: My name is Filiz. I’m 22 years old and I started my integrated apprenticeship as an industrial clerk with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. The reason why I chose Beiersdorf: I can identify with the products and fully support them. I was also impressed by the many opportunities Beiersdorf offers us apprentices, which makes the apprenticeship extremely multifaceted!

What are your expectations and wishes for your apprenticeship?

Amy: Even the first few days in the company were extremely exciting and I hope that it stays that way in the future! I also hope that the apprenticeship will be varied. I’m very excited about what’s to come!

Moritz: I see it very similarly! I want to learn a lot and be at a good level of knowledge at the end of the apprenticeship. And I believe that Beiersdorf, with its training workshop and trainers, is providing us with the best possible foundation!

Bjarne: I’ve only heard good things about Beiersdorf so far, and what we’re offered sounds great. Overall, I’m expecting a solid apprenticeship that will give me the perfect foundation for my future – ideally with lots of fun and nice colleagues!

Filiz: I’d like to take as much with me as I can – whether at school, at university or at work. Personally, contact with others is also very important to me, so I’m looking forward to meeting lots of new colleagues. All in all, I’m just hoping to have a great time.

What are you looking forward to the most?

Amy: I’m especially looking forward to working with other Beiersdorf colleagues – that will definitely be very cool! I’m also looking forward to the many different experiences and learning new things.

Moritz: I’m simply looking forward to the work itself! I’m excited to get to know the production processes better and, like Amy, I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues.

Bjarne: I, too, am most looking forward to working in a team! I’ve heard a lot about the very good working atmosphere at Beiersdorf – and the first few days have confirmed that. I’d like it to stay that way!

Filiz: What I’m most looking forward to is getting to know the different departments. That way I can find out which area interests me the most and where I might see myself in the future.

What did you like best about your first days at Beiersdorf? What was your impression?

Amy: I found the tour of the production facilities particularly exciting. It was just incredibly interesting and great to see it for real. But also the other first impressions were great, everyone was very eager and we were shown so much. That makes you want to see what’s to come!

Moritz: I was impressed... and happy that I can learn at such a large and international company. I hope that I can continue to develop personally here, make lots of contacts and perhaps even friends, learn a lot and simply have a great time! As a mechatronics fitter, my personal highlight of the first few days was definitely the tour of the production facility. But the interview with CHRO Nicola Lafrentz and getting to know the other apprentices was also great.

Bjarne: I felt a bit like Moritz: I was amazed at how huge Beiersdorf is and how many areas there are that I’ve never heard of! Overall, the first few days were very informative and motivating – I thought that was great! I also liked the Executive Board Q&A session best, but also the tour of production. It was great to see the processes and I already got a feel for what my future job will look like in detail.

Filiz: The fact that we had the opportunity to get to know so many areas in the first few days made my first impression overwhelming – and that aroused my curiosity about what’s to come! So far, I have enjoyed the visit to the production department the most, because here we had the chance to accompany the manufacture of a product from start to finish.

Thank you all for the nice exchange and welcome to the Beiersdorf family!

About the editor: Diana Lühmann

Diana Lühmann


Since autumn 2019, Diana has been responsible for corporate communication related to HR and inspiring people at Beiersdorf. These include the areas of Diversity, Learning & Development, Career, Leadership, and Health. Previously, she was in charge of R&D Communications and explored the exciting world of our research and development.