
NIVEA launches mission to fight social isolation and publishes global research findings

  • NIVEA study shows that social isolation is a global issue: One in four survey respondents reported that they have always or often felt isolated during the past 12 months.
  • 40% feel ashamed of feeling isolated; over a half (58%) feel helpless when looking for support.
  • New social mission NIVEA CONNECT aims to fight social isolation, one of the most pressing challenges to physical and mental health of the modern world.

Hamburg, September 25, 2024 – Today, Beiersdorf’s iconic NIVEA brand is launching NIVEA CONNECT, a global mission to combat social isolation and promote meaningful human connections. The new global research released by NIVEA shows that social isolation has become one of the most pressing challenges to the physical and mental health of the modern world.

NIVEA’s global survey with 8,000 participants in eight countries highlights the prevalence of the issue and dives deeply into the reasons behind it and the consequences if the issue is not addressed. 86% of those polled as part of NIVEA’s study said they feel that isolation and loneliness have become increasingly problematic. One in four respondents (25%) reported that they always or often felt isolated during the past 12 months, and one in five (20%) said they did not have a single close friend.

The impacts of this isolation are potentially devastating. Loneliness and social isolation have been associated with a 29% increased risk of heart disease and a 32% increased risk of stroke, due in part to increased levels of cortisol and other stress hormones that can damage our health over time1.

Half of the study participants (48%) who identified as being impacted by social isolation have experienced a decline in their physical health, and 53% have experienced a decrease in mental health, leading to an increased risk of depression and anxiety. 58% reported feelings of helplessness, 56% have dropped out of social activities, and 46% have neglected important responsibilities.

Grita Loebsack, NIVEA Global President, urges: “Right now, somebody you care about is feeling lonely. When we truly grasp the profound impact of social isolation and loneliness, it compels us to act — not just out of compassion, but from the understanding that our well-being is deeply connected to others. By fostering meaningful connection and inclusivity, we can spark a ripple of positive change, ensuring that no one faces the silent pain of loneliness alone.”

Grita Loebsack emphasizes further: “NIVEA CONNECT is designed to empower human connections, educate people on how to take action, and inspire environments where people can ask for support without fear. Addressing the rise of social isolation requires a concerted global effort to dismantle the stigma and encourage open conversations about loneliness. Together, we can challenge the stigma, promote greater awareness, and implement effective solutions to combat social isolation.”

The NIVEA CONNECT Global Social Mission

NIVEA aims to fight social isolation head-on through NIVEA CONNECT, an initiative that works to educate and support communities, organizations, and individuals across the world to reduce the stigma surrounding social isolation and encourage meaningful human connection through three core steps.

First, NIVEA will set up local NIVEA CONNECT projects with partners in 40 countries by 2026. Second, NIVEA will utilize its voice and global presence to communicate and engage with communities on the issue. Finally, NIVEA will collaborate with a global community of scientists, experts, and organizations, and join them in their fight against social isolation.

By combatting social isolation and fostering social connection, NIVEA will create bridges of belonging and trust. In doing so, the brand joins its parent company, Beiersdorf, in its commitment to champion a more inclusive society that is anchored in the company's CARE BEYOND SKIN Sustainability Agenda.

Study deep dive: Social isolation fuels a world of mistrust


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines social isolation as having an insufficient number of social connections, and loneliness as the social pain of not feeling connected.

WHO launches commission to foster social connection

The research further reveals that people between the age of 16-24 (34%) and heavy social media users (27%) feel the most isolated in society.*

When considering what is driving the increase in isolation, 40% of study respondents acknowledge social anxiety as a key contributing factor, while 30% blame long distances from friends and family. Lack of finances (27%) is seen as a key barrier to inclusion, followed by discrimination, exclusion, bullying (22%), and age (17%).

The results also indicate social isolation is fueling a world of mistrust. 81% of people said they believe that everyone is out for themselves in today’s society. Half of the study respondents said they feel that no one knows them well, and 58% of them reported feeling alone even when they are around other people.

Crucially, the stigma surrounding social isolation and loneliness remains a significant barrier to seeking help and support. Forty percent (40%) of respondents said they feel ashamed of their social isolation, while over half (58%) expressed helplessness, further exacerbating an already critical issue. While the majority of those surveyed (67%) said they know where to find support when feeling lonely or isolated, far fewer (46%) said they find it easy to ask for help. Those who struggle the most with asking for support include those aged 16-24 and 55-74, the very groups that are more vulnerable to isolation in the first place.

The role of community in addressing social isolation

How people overcome feelings of loneliness /isolation:

- Meeting/talking to close friends or family: 48%
- Self-care: 42%
- Practicing hobbies/favorite activities: 39%
- Watching a movie/series or reading a book: 38%
- Physical contact: 29% 

On a more positive note, nearly everyone (90%) who knows someone isolated has tried to help, and of those who have been unable to help, it is due to either not knowing how, or not wanting to cause shame or embarrassment. When asked who should be helping those who feel socially isolated or lonely, most see family and friends as having the responsibility (75%), followed by social institutions (36%) and the affected persons themselves (34%).

For more information about NIVEA CONNECT, its projects, partners, and the fight to combat social isolation, or to learn how you can get involved, please visit https://nivea.com/nivea-connect.


NIVEA CONNECT is a social mission by NIVEA launched in September 2024. NIVEA is committed to fighting social isolation and fostering meaningful connections in response to a global epidemic of social isolation and loneliness, affecting the health and well-being of people of all ages, socio-economic backgrounds, and cultures. NIVEA believes that by fostering genuine human connections, embracing inclusivity, supporting mental health, and empowering individuals, we can build a world where fewer people feel isolated or disconnected.

Research methodology

The NIVEA research was conducted by Ipsos, a global market research and public opinion firm, as computer-assisted online interviews (CAWIs) with 8,000 people in the following eight countries (1,000 interviews per country): Brazil, China, France, Germany, Philippines, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Survey respondents were between 16-74 years of age, with access to the Internet. The study was conducted from January 3-16, 2024. The quantitative research was supplemented by a qualitative study of participants in five countries (Brazil, Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States) that consisted of online diary entries, individual interviews, and mini-group discussions. The qualitative research was conducted between February 2 and March 6, 2024.

1 https://www.uhhospitals.org/blog/articles/2023/11/how-the-loneliness-epidemic-affects-physical-and-mental-health
* Update Feb 2025

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