Together with
WWF, Beiersdorf will promote a science-based approach to the regenerative use
of water in the supply chain. Additionally, common supply chain measures are
designed to ensure the sourcing of deforestation-free and renewable resources
directly at the beginning of the supply chain. The aim is to prevent the loss
of biodiversity through deforestation and to prevent the conversion and
destruction of natural ecosystems. This effort considers the company’s key
agricultural raw materials: Palm oil, paper, soy and coconut.
In West
Kalimantan, Indonesia, WWF and Beiersdorf have implemented a project with
smallholder farmers in 2018. The project’s objectives are to prevent further
deforestation, promote the sustainable cultivation of palm oil and to improve
the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and their families. The second project,
which WWF and Beiersdorf are realizing together with Beiersdorf’s supplier
Evonik since 2019, is located in the conservation area Tabin, Sabah, Malaysia.
This nature reserve is a vital habitat for several rare and endangered species,
such as orangutans, Borneo elephants and the Sunda Clouded leopard. The Tabin project
entails three parallel approaches: Protecting existing forests and the species
living there, promoting sustainable palm oil production in the adjacent
plantations and restoring degraded land to create essential ecological
corridors for local wildlife.